Grocery shopping app - assessment


Create shopping lists and scan items for purchase at store

The Challenge:

Review a well-performing UK grocery shopping app to find areas of improvement in user experience.


The Process Part 1

Understand The Purpose:

Met with client and development team to document pain points and desires for a future app enhancement. In this case the client wanted us to make the app “more like an Apple app” and find any pitfalls in the experience.


Received a live demo of the app features and asked clarifying questions since the app can only be used in the UK. Downloaded a version on an Android device for limiting testing purposes. Received Zeplin screenshots of app to assess.

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Conducted self assessment of app by walking through as a potential user and noted any disturbances, pain points, or positive interactions with the process.

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The Process part 2

Assessment Documentation:

Collected app screenshots and created assessment deck to read-out to client. Included evaluation notes for each section of the application in consumable chunks with Google Slides.


Provided list of high to low priority opportunities that will be used in statement of work.


Delivered backlog of app enhancements to create business opportunity with client as well as a concept mockup of the homepage.
